Take Up Space Online:

Call in Best Clients without
Dancing on Video

Take Up Space Online:

Call in Best Clients without Dancing on Video

Join me as we unpack the exact path of how to get to maximum visibility to ideal clients and the micro-steps along the path of showing up super powerfully online— 

Let's Dive In.


Why is it that one person can show up and market the same amount as someone else…

and one person has a booked out business...

while the other person struggles to even be seen by their audience?

The answer is their BRAND.

Social media marketing and the ability to connect directly with potential clients has made your logo and font barely relevant.

Your audience is perceiving your Brand as WHO YOU’RE BEING when you’re showing up to market, to connect, and to sell your offers.

And in order to be successful in an ever crowded online space,

it is essential that you are consciously presenting yourself in a way that

allows you to be seen and known for your expertise by highly aligned, dream clients.

I'm ready to call in dream clients:


By the end of this training, you will walk away with:

  • How to attract clients in a way that feels aligned to YOU— which may or may not involve dancing and pointing at stuff in Reels ;)

  • A precise understanding of why and how you’re attracting the quality (and quantity) of clients in your current business

  • The stages people move through in their entrepreneurial journey of learning to powerfully call in clients online

  • How to differentiate between what is good stretching— moving out of your comfort zone to come into your alignment— and what is bad stretching: editing yourself, twisting yourself into a pretzel to make sure people like and validate you.

I'm ready to take up powerful space online:


This Training is for You If:

  • Attracting dream clients doesn’t feel in your control, and you want to know a reliable, repeatable process for doing so

  • You’re showing up but it feels like nobody even sees you when you market, nevermind the notion of dropping in salivating to work with you

  • You’ve been in a business and Brand that fit you, but it’s starting to feel like you’ve outgrown it– something feels five degrees off and you can’t quite put your finger on it

  • When you show up to market online you tend to box yourself in with a lot of “shoulds,” and tend to worry about figuring out what will “resonate with potential clients”

  • When potential buyers drop in, they tend to be shopping around and are speaking with other people, instead of dropping in asking how to work with you specifically

Hi! I'm Kathryn

And I am a practical magician.

My business generated over one million in revenue in its first three years, from ground zero in a totally new industry.

And also?

I was terrified of taking up space when I started. I was the person with a logo as their Instagram photo. And once I allowed myself to start showing up and being seen–

I did it with a long list of what I could and couldn’t do, who I could and couldn’t be in order to “be marketable,” to “make money” and to “be successful.”

But all the rules I had for myself stood in stark contrast to the people I was attracted to and following online, so I began following my inner nudges, crafting an identity that is fully me, not who I was taught to be, fully expressed and very visible online.

This is now the work I help my clients do– getting highly visible online and taking up lots of space, shining bright so their best clients can see them, feel them, and drop in to buy.

It’s Your Time to Shine.
Let’s Go.