Your Business. Your Next Level. Your Rules.

This isn’t colors and fonts.
This is your dance with Destiny.

Join me for a live 2 hour workshop where our entire global community is coming together to do this work.


It’s more than just teaching and training.

It’s a workshop where we actually dive into this together.

It’s an Experience. And you don’t want to miss it.

By the end of the experience, you will walk away with:

  • The critical formula for sustainable identity change that explains why people end up abandoning their New Years Resolutions… and their big business dreams…and how to fix it

  • Identifying the sneaky parts of you taking the lead sometimes and sabotaging your growth… and the trick to working with it instead of fighting with it.

  • Clarifying the vision of what is asking to come through you in this next chapter of your business, down to the tiniest details and the tangible, concrete impacts of how your business 100% shifts because of it

We’ll also drop into a delicious energetic practice for you to actually experience in the cells of your body– not just imagining or writing about– the Future Self that’s asking to come wash through and uplevel your business.

This Training is for You If:

  • You find yourself following really dynamic and compelling creators online and lovingggg how they show up in your feed...but thinking "you can't show up that big/confident/dynamic because you're not {insert excuse}" that's keeping you playing small

  • Your next level in your business will require an identity change, like moving from employee to entrepreneur, doubling your rates, or moving from being an expert at your craft to the leader of an entire community, etc.

  • You’ve been in a business and Brand that fit you, but it’s starting to feel like you’ve outgrown it– something feels five degrees off and you can’t quite put your finger on it

  • Something in your business is just feeling OFF but there's no "logical reason"– and it’s dulling your desire to show up to it day to day

  • You feel a sparkle of desire or nudge to be here– that’s your intuition speaking. Listen to it.

Hi! I'm Kathryn

And I’m Your Future Self Doula.

I know a thing or two about rebranding.

I run a branding program that has walked over 100 businesses into scroll stopping and deliciously aligned brands, from ground zero to multiple millions, all across the World.

People have joined to shift from being an employee to being an entrepreneur, to shift from being an online entrepreneur to being a best selling author, or from being someone known in a single community to being someone who leads a global movement.

This is my jam because some might say “I’m the Queen of the Rebrand.” This has looked like:

  • Going from employee to being a confident solopreneur charging premium rates
  • Going from a solopreneur that worked 1:1 to someone who could lead small groups
  • Getting intuitive guidance to blow up a Mastermind that generated close to $500,000 each year… in order to create a more feminine led and soulful Mastermind… and bringing the revenue back within one year (and ummm… only one client came with me between the two)
  • Going from someone leading a small community to a woman leading a global movement

Every next level of your business will require a new version of you to lead it. This is the work I’m obsessed with and I can’t wait to see your next caterpillar to butterfly transformation.

Your Future Self is Calling.

Pick Up.