199. Hiring Personal Growth Support: The Critical Differences between Coaches and Therapists and Mind vs Body Approaches to Transformation

Apr 23, 2024


Last week we covered the different types of business support you should look for, but here's the truth-


You can only execute in your business as powerfully as your human mind and body will allow you to, and some of the most important work you will do as a business owner is prioritizing your own personal growth and development.


But in a world with psychotherapy and coaches and somatic experiencing practitioners and breathwork facilitators and cognitive behavioral therapy... HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU KNOW WHAT SUPPORT WILL ACTUALLY LEAD TO SUSTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION FOR YOU?!?


I'm taking my years and years of experience in the space to break down the clear decision filters for what type of support you should be hiring based on your unique needs and situation.


We're going to cover:


  • 🧠 Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Approaches: Learn whether you need mind tools, body based support, or an integration of the two, depending on the results you're looking to create


  • 🤔 When Cognitive Isn't Enough: There are times when mindset is amazing... and times when mind tools alone will keeping you looping without progress. Learn to know when to use mind based tools... and when to throw them in the garbage


  • 🔄 Integrative Techniques for Holistic Healing: We're unpacking more comprehensive solutions to unlock the keys to sustainable transformation in the quality of your thinking and how you're feeling in your body day to day


  • 🧪 The Scientific Evidence for "Weird Stuff": we're diving into how "advanced cultures" have actually repressed the use of more scientifically effective modalities, and how to free yourself from this block


Finally, I'm going to unpack my personal journey of how meeting and interacting with combat veterans in the military drastically opened my eyes to the leading edge of tools and modalities being used today to truly heal and transform our mind-body systems from the inside out.


This is an episode that would have saved me years, thousands of dollars, and a TON of suffering if I had heard it 5 years ago. I hope it serves you well. ❤️

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