192. Your Quiz Result: The Passionate Helper

Mar 05, 2024



After years of coaching of hundreds of clients, I've noticed that different clients have different values, internal motivations, business brilliance zones, and unique brand signatures-- and they lend themselves towards different marketing strategies, ways of messaging for the highest impact, and ideal business and offer structures.

Today we're covering the Passionate Helper profile, deep diving into their unique gifts and how they can use to this approach and grow their business with more ease and flow.

To learn your Entrepreneurial Archetype, head to⁠ https://kathrynmorrisoncoaching.com/quiz

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It has been known to induce potential, desire, and business strategy mic drop moments, all folded up in my part Lady Gaga, part Mother Earth persona… with a smattering of cursing, because #bornandraisedphilly. Prepare to be equal parts delighted, confronted, and aroused.

Seriously. This ain’t your Mama’s newsletter.