188. The Feminine Arts: Scaling with Intimacy, Trust, and Connection

Feb 06, 2024


Last year was my hardest year in business... EVER.


Not because business was hard, but more because I had scaled my business like how I had watched men do it or other women building from a masculine paradigm... and I had done it that way BECAUSE THOSE ARE THE CURRENT MODELS.


Right now only 2% of women run businesses scale to 7 figures, and most of them think they need to do it like men and end up hating the business they build.


Women are different. Just look at any society from cave people until now-- women gather in community, they connect, they exchange ideas. Now compare this to most scaling podcasts-- that talk about data, and disconnecting from your clients, and creating a boundaried ivory tower that nobody can reach you in.


Which means SCALING to high multiple 6 and 7 figures in a FEMININE way is a model we have very few maps for.


It's possible to have incredible white space on your calendar, ample time with your family, AND deep, rich connection points with clients each week as you grow to 7 figures.


It's possible to be zoomed out as a high level CEO and to still be tapped in to the pulse of your people.


Join me today for a vulnerable podcast where I discuss the issues I've had scaling with only masculine models as guides and the model of Feminine Scaling I'm building out instead.


If 2024 is the year you're looking to scale your business, this podcast is an absolute must listen.

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